Consult an Astrologer

Welcome to our comprehensive directory of professional astrological consultants. Each consultant has pledged to uphold our rigorous Code of Ethics, ensuring the highest standards of professionalism and confidentiality in their practice.

Branches and specialisms of Astrology

To help you choose an astrologer from the directory below, a brief explanation is given of the various branches of astrology that consultants may cover.

  • Natal astrology covers studying your birth chart to look at any themes you would like to explore from personal development, relationships to forecasting.
  • Forecasting involves looking at current and future astrological trends and energies.
  • Relationships (Synastry) covers studying the charts between 2 people, such as couples, parent and child, or business associates.
  • Electional astrology covers choosing the right time and date to start a venture, marriage, or business, for example.
  • Horary astrology is the art of answering specific questions, such as “Where did I leave my glasses?” or “Would my son benefit from going to music school?”
  • Business astrology, as it says, involves looking at the charts of businesses, or help and advice on anything to do with  these.
  • Financial astrology is a highly specialised area which should only be practised by those with relevant financial qualifications.
  • Mundane astrology covers countries which have birth charts, like people.  It also includes global events and trends looking at longer term planetary cycles.
  • Medical astrology includes health and disease.  This can only be practised by those qualified in various forms of medicine or complimentary therapies relating to health, such as nutritionists and homeopaths.  
  • Traditional Astrology.  This is a broad area, covering the astrology of the Hellenistic period to the late Medieval period.  Some astrologers use these techniques in natal, horary, electional and in forecasting.
  • Astrocartography/Astrogeography/ Local Space/Locational or Relocational astrology.  These broadly fall into similar categories.  The birth chart is either placed on a map of the world, or on a local neighbourhood.  The aim is to see where the Sun, Moon and planets fall on these maps and how they may have a bearing on which parts of the personality benefit, or otherwise, from the location.  These branches of astrology can be used both in natal astrology and in forecasting. teaches natal astrology, forecasting, synastry, electional and mundane astrology. Some of the consultant astrologers may cover other forms of astrology, such as horary and traditional, and would have learnt about these elsewhere. There are also branches of astrology from other cultures, such as Chinese, Mayan and Vedic which, if listed, would also have been learnt elsewhere.

Code of Ethics

The consultant astrologers listed below have all agreed to abide by’s Code of Ethics, and have either passed’s Diploma, or the Diploma from other schools recognised by the Association of Professional Astrologers International, or by the Advisory Panel on Astrological Education.

Date of Birth:
The astrologer, you choose, will normally ask you for your birth data. You will need to give them your date of birth.  To avoid confusion, it is better to give the day (e.g. 4th), then the month in full (e.g. December), and the year of birth.  This is because Americans usually write down dates with the month first, followed by the day of the month. 

Place of birth:
Give the nearest village (if relevant), then nearest town/city and country.  

Time of birth: 
If you know your time of birth, express it in either am/pm, or in 24 hour clock (e.g. 5.30 pm, or 17.30 hours). Do not try and convert the time you were given to standard or daylight saving time.  The astrologer does that.  Birth times are noted in the legal time operating where you were born. 

There are two potential problems in recording birth times. A parent or guardian may say that you were born at 5.30 and not specify whether it was in the morning or evening, so you may need to try and clear that up.  If you were born around midnight, you need to find out which midnight.  Was it very early in the morning, or very late at night?  The day changes at 0 hours – that is the beginning of the day.  It ends at 23.59 hours.  

If your birth time is vague, try and pin it down as accurately as possible.  Parents may have baby books, and some countries record birth times on birth certificates.  There may be relatives or friends of family who know what time you were born and where. Give as much accurate information as you can.  If your birth time is uncertain, it is better to acknowledge that, so that the astrologer knows where s/he stands.  Much good work can be done with an uncertain birth time, even though it is better to have an accurate birth time, as well as place of birth.

Dip.astrol.c —  Diploma,

DFAstrolS —  Diploma, Faculty of Astrological Studies

RCAstrol —  Register of Counselling Astrologers, Faculty of Astrological Studies

Dip. LSA —  Diploma, London School of Astrology

D.Psych.Astrol —  Diploma, Centre for Psychological Astrology

MAPAI —  Member of Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI).

FAPAI — Fellow of Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI).

The Directory


Joyce Lambert

Dip.astrol.c.Hons., Dip.LSA., MAPAI.

Mobile: 07989 607383

I would describe myself as a practical, realistic astrologer.  My clients have said that they like my down to earth approach that combines both logic and intuition.  I practice astrology from both the modern and traditional angles which, I feel, adds a lot to the service I offer.  One side brings in an approach which is more psychological and intuitive, whilst the other brings in the rules from some 2000 years’ ago climaxing in the Medieval period…  

I study what has been laid down over the centuries and link that with the modern, more psychological approach.  Putting all this together, I cover natal astrology, including forecasting, and explain how your birth chart relates to your choices in life.  I combine many different techniques to bring in an in-depth analysis.  

I also cover children’s charts, relationships (synastry), business, horary and electional work.


Jeannine van Dun

BA(Hons)., DFAstrolS., Hon.Dip.astrol.c.

Mobile:  07951 250037

Looking up at the heavens and listening to the powerful mysterious silence of the night sky is a pleasure shared by many, a moment of peace and awe. How vast the heavens are, how small we are; yet somehow, inexplicably, we are connected…

Immersing myself in nature, intuitively understanding meaning, finding inspiration and feeling the inner magic, have been with me all my life. This quite naturally has led to an enduring love of astrology – the art of seeing connections and patterns.

I offer one to one readings using natal astrology and I cover relationships (synastry) . I also offer forecasting (progressions and transits) which I observe from birth onwards.

My approach is to explore your life story with you, using the chart as a way to understand individual and shared experiences, allowing plenty of space for your own unique way of working with the planets. I am less interested in making predictions for the future than in finding out how we can be co-creators of our destiny. I like to think we have to go halfway towards our fate, using what we already know about ourselves to inform the unexplored territories ahead.

I have a special interest in looking at the best way to interpret a child’s chart. We should not get in the way of the child’s wonderful ways of exploring the world and learning to navigate it, yet parents may well want some guidance on how best to facilitate that.
I can also offer workshops and question and answer sessions. As well as being fluent in English, Dutch is my first language, so I can offer consultations in Dutch.

I prefer to work via Zoom, but I can do consultations by phone and personal visits if you live locally.


Teresa Dellbridge

MA., DFAstrolS., Hon.Dip.astrol.c.; Dip. Health N; SQHP; RMANM

Mobile: 07833 752173.

I can help you get a detailed picture of the dynamics that are ‘you’. With this in mind, I can encourage you to get a clear idea of where you are in life, and in your development. I won’t tell you what to do or make judgements on you. I will seek to clarify the issues so that you feel empowered to make choices…

Beyond a helpful picture of you to enrich your self-understanding, I can help with…

Relationships are the primary issues in the lives of most of us, and astrology can help you take a step back and see yourself and what is driving you.  It can help to show the subconscious patterns that our shaping your relationships and how you may be drawing people to you who are not really suitable.  I can help you to find fresh ways to relate to others.

Career and Ambitions:
Looking at your chart is about looking at your potential.  You may have talents you had not considered.  You may have made choices based upon a negative self-image.  I can help you see yourself in a different light and explore new options.

You are more than you appear to be.  The power of the universe is within you.


Jean Elliott

Dip.Soc.Admin; DFAstrolS; RCAstrol; FAPAI.

Mobile: 07768 549937
Landline: 01568 611597

From the above list, I cover natal astrology, career/vocation, and most kinds of relationships and forecasting. I like doing chart analysis for children in which I aim to describe their potential.   As long as it is in line with our Code of Ethics, I can also deal with many other issues and themes… 

 I particularly like working with the phase of the Moon at birth, and how the Moon unfolds in our nature over time. I am mostly a ‘modern’ astrologer, but I do use some traditional methods which I try and bring into the 21st century.

My aim is to help you see inside and understand yourself.  What drives and motivates you, and what about your potential?  What skills and talents do you have?  Perhaps not all of these have come into fruition yet.  

When forecasting I give a general description of the astrological energies coming up in your life, and try to make them relevant to your experience and circumstances.  We are dealing with symbols when using astrology and, while they have a core essence in meaning, they can be expressed in many different ways.  Within reason, you have free will in how you use these energies, and my intention is to help you feel empowered so you can make choices which help in your personal development.

“What you love is a sign from your higher self of what you are to do.”  Sanyana Roman, in Bag of Jewels compiled by Susan Haywood.

I can see people who live locally at home, or in a booked room.  I can do consultations via Zoom or by telephone.  I often use email to clarify areas that I become aware of after a consultation.  I also do written work when I have time.

I am based in Leominster, Herefordshire.


Serena Law

BA; Dip.astrol.c.Hons.

Mobile: 07926 910370

I offer astrological consultations via phone, email or post, including typed reports.  I cover natal astrology, forecasting and relationships (synastry).   I aim to bring insight into your personality and relationships (if requested); and I  fully tailor my response to your queries.  


Paul Summerfield

Dip.astrol.c., FAPAI.

Mobile: 07957 658346

Consultations and typed interpretations.

Natal Astrology:
I try and help you understand your character and explore your full potential.  If appropriate, I also try to explore any ‘inherent difficulties’ within the chart, hopefully helping you to understand your nature in more depth…

This covers up and coming future trends.  Looking at the year ahead, I will  point out fortunate periods and, if appropriate, try and navigate around any difficult periods.  The aim of this is to  encourage you to use upcoming energies to the best advantage.

Relationships (synastry): 
I aim to highlight strengths and, if appropriate, any hurdles within a given relationship or union.

Electional Astrology: 
When given a certain time frame, I can choose the most auspicious time to launch a venture or take action.  For example, you may want to find the best and most auspicious time to send in a job application or take a holiday.