Sandra Butler
Cert.Ed., DFAstrolS., Hon.Dip.astrol.c., FAPAI
Sandra began her astrological training career after gaining the Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies in 1985, merging her experience in primary education with her passion for astrology. Between 1989 and 2001, Sandra was a Correspondence Course tutor for the Faculty taking students through the Foundation and Diploma courses. As well as practising as a consultant astrologer, Sandra has many years’ experience of teaching astrology in Local Education Authorities in the UK. As one of the founding members of astrologycollege.com, she has been a major contributor to our course material, writing articles on birth chart analysis, forecasting and on synastry (relationship analysis). She was one of our tutors from 2003 to 2017.

Jean Elliott
Dip.Soc.Admin., DFAstrolS., RCAstrol., Hon.Dip.astrol.c., FAPAI.
Director, Course Developer, Tutor and Member
Jean worked in social housing until 1995; and has been working as a consultant astrologer and tutor since 1984 when she gained the Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies. She has taught astrology in Local Authority adult education classes and was a tutor for the Faculty of Astrological Studies from 1999 to 2002. Since the mid-1990s, she has created astrology gardens at the Astrological Association conference and at summer camps. Sometimes Jean writes articles for the Astrological Association Journal and gives talks at its conferences. She is a founding member of astrologycollege.com and has been its director since 2002. She is responsible for astrologycollege.com’s course development and has written many of the articles and course manuals (lessons and exercises).

Teresa Dellbridge
MA., Dip.Health.N., SQHP., DFAstrolS., Hon.Dip.astrol.c
Tutor and Member
In 1989, Teresa was awarded the Gold Medal and Veritas awards by the Faculty of Astrological Studies for her outstanding Diploma Examinations results. Teresa’s astrological journey is underscored by her roles as a counsellor, hypnotherapist, Reiki practitioner, and nutritionist, and she has obtained an MA degree in Cultural Astronomy. In her private practice as an astrologer, she helps people become more self-aware, to keep things in perspective and to understand their place in the scheme of things. Her writing career includes more than 50 published works on astrology and numerology. She has also been a regular contributor to magazines, including Kindred Spirit. Teresa is one of the founding members of astrologycollege.com, who has contributed to the course material writing on ethics, astrology in our times, and on becoming a professional astrologer.

Elizabeth Paige
BA (Hons)., DFAstrolS.,Hon.Dip.astrol.c., FAPAI.
Student-Tutor Coordinator, Tutor and Member
After Elizabeth graduated from university, she gained a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and then taught humanities for four years at secondary education level. She gained the Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies in 1983 and worked as a correspondence course tutor for the Faculty until 2002. Teaching astrology in evening classes and working as a consultant astrologer for many years, she has gained plenty of experience. Elizabeth is a founding member of astrologycollege.com, has written an introduction to forecasting for the Foundation Course, and is responsible for tutor monitoring, support and supervision and liaising between students and tutors when necessary.

Angela Radcliffe
BSc(Hons)., DFAstrolS.,Hon.Dip.astrol.c.
Angela graduated in psychology in 1996 and qualified as a couples’ counsellor. She also completed a course in Training and Assessment in Further Education. Being active in the astrological community since 1987, she has given talks and workshops and has run evening classes. Between 1994 and 2001, after gaining the Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies, she worked as a correspondence course tutor and ran its student support service. As a founding member of astrologycollege.com, she played a major role in developing the college administration and was one of the Directors between 2002 and 2006. Her contribution to astrologycollege.com’s course material has included the diagrams and some of the astronomy articles in the Foundation Course.

Janette Russell
DFAstrolS., Hon.Dip.astrol.c., FAPAI.
Apart from gaining her Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies in 1988 and working as a Consultant astrologer, Janette is qualified in Reiki, regression therapy and hypnotherapy. Between 1990 and 2002, Janette was one of the Faculty’s correspondence course tutors and was its Council Secretary. She is a founding member of astrologycollege.com, and was one of its directors between 2006 and 2012. She has given talks at the Astrological Association conference on the college’s behalf.

Jeannine van Dun
BA(Hons)., DFAstrolS., Hon.Dip.astrol.c..
Tutor and Member
Jeannine has qualifications in counselling, mental health and social work. In 2023, she retired from a demanding job working for Community Health and Social Services in the NHS. Gaining the diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies in 1991, Jeannine has taught astrology in local authority education classes. She also set up and ran the private Broad Oak Astrology Group in Herefordshire for nine years. In this group, Jeannine encouraged its members to use their astrological knowledge in their practices, complementary therapies, and in their teaching and writing. As far as astrologycollege.com is concerned, Jeannine wrote course material on transits for the Diploma Course.
“I derive enormous pleasure from working with astrologycollege.com – the quality of the teaching and the quality of the students. Their dedication is a real inspiration.” Jeannine.